<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> Prof. Romano Scozzafava

  <DIV align=center>List of publications (updated 2014)click here pubb-rs.html



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</DIV>LastLlLLast position (31/10/2009)
Full Professor of  Calcolo delle Probabilità  (Faculty of Engineering, University “La Sapienza”, Roma)

Head of the Department ''Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze Applicate'', University “La Sapienza”, Roma


Curriculum (Synopsis)

(Updated: March 2001)


1961 Degree in Mathematics (University of Roma).
1965 Qualification as Mathematics Teacher in Secondary Schools
1967 Libera Docenza in Metodi matematici della Fisica
1973 Confirmation of Libera Docenza

1962 Fellowship at Istituto Superiore Poste Telecomunicazioni
1962 Fellowship at CNEN (Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare)
1962-1967 Researcher at CNEN

University (permanent):
1970-1975 Teaching Assistant of Istituzioni di Analisi superiore at University of Firenze
Since 1975: Full Professor (Istituzioni di Analisi superiore at University of Lecce, Analisi matematica at University of Ancona, and, since 1979,            Calcolo delle Probabilità at University of Roma “La Sapienza”)

University (lecturing - main):
1967-1969 Basic Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Rational Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, at University of Perugia
1970-1976 Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Statistics at University of Firenze
1976-1978 Algebra, Calculus of Probability at University of Lecce
1984 Statistics and Probability Calculus at University of Ancona
1987-1989 Probability and Statistics at University of L'Aquila
1995 Lecturing in Probability and Utility at a Ph.D. course in Economics, University ''La Sapienza'', Roma
1996 Calculus of Probability at LUISS (Libera Università Internazionale Studi Sociali), Roma
1996-1997 Calculus of Probability and Mathematical Statistics at University of Perugia

Visiting Professor:
1970-1971 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Mathematical Institute of University of Edinburgh (research in Banach Algebras)
1974 Visiting professor at Technological University of Eindhoven (research in Combinatorial Analysis)
1978 Visiting professor at Karl Marx University, Budapest (seminars on ''Finitely additive probability measures: standard and non-standard methods'')
1983 Visiting professor at Department of Statistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA (teaching ''Introduction to probability'' and ''Basic concepts of statistics and data analysis'')
1985 Teaching ''Biomathematics'' at Somali National University, Mogadiscio
1986 Visiting Professor at Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, U.K. (seminars in Bayesian Statistics)
1991 Visiting Professor at Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA (teaching ''Advanced Calculus'')
1996 Visiting Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand (research on Conditional Probability and Exchangeability)
1998 Lecturing on Coherent Probability for a Ph.D. course at University of Economics, Prague
1999 Lecturing on ''Probabilistic logic in a coherent conditional probability setting'' at the ''11th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information'', Utrecht

Other Scientific and Academic Activities (main):
1979 Invited Speaker at the Meeting ''Induction, Probability, Statistics'', Venezia
1979-1980 Lecturing in Mathematical Statistics at Postgraduate School in Mathematics, University of Firenze
1981 Invited Speaker at the International Conference in honour of B. de Finetti ''Exchangeability in Probability and Statistics'', Roma
1982 Lecturing in Mathematical Statistics at ''Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica'', Roma
1982 Lecturing in Calculus of Probability at the Summer School in ''Statistical Inference'' of University of Bologna, Bagni di Lucca
1982 Session Organiser (Conditional Probability and Conditional Independence) at the 15th European Meeting of Statisticians, Palermo 
1988 Chairman of the Working Group on Probability and Statistics of the SEFI (Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs), Plymouth
1989 Invited Lecturer at International School of Mathematics of Erice (Probability and Utility in Statistical Inference).
1991 Invited Lecturer at International School of Mathematics of Erice (Probability and Bayesian Statistics in Medicine and Biology).
1992-1999 Lecturing in Probability Calculus at Postgraduate School in ''Teaching of Mathematics'', University ''La Sapienza'', Roma
1992 Invitation at Academia Sinica for Seminars on Probability in Artificial Intelligence, Beijing (China)
1992 Invited speaker at the Session Quantum Probability of the 20th European Meeting of Statisticians, Bath (U.K.)
1993 Invited speaker at the First World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), San Francisco (U.S.A.)
1993 Scientific Organizer of the International Workshop ''Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems'', Roma
1994 Member of the Program Committee and Session Organizer (Bayesian inference for a merged teaching of probability and statistics) at the 2nd World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), Alicante (Spain).
1994 Director of the International School of Mathematics of Erice (Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence).
1994 Invited speaker at the Workshop on ''Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence'', Udine (Italy).
1994 Member of the Programme Committee of the 3rd Workshop on ''Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems'', Trest (Czech Republic)
1994 Invited speaker at the SEFI Conference on ''Teaching Mathematics for Industry'', Praga.
1995 Member of the Programme Committee and Invited speaker at the Workshop CIFT '95, Trento (Italy)
1995 Member of the Programme Committee of the 11th Conference on ''Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence'', Montreal (Canada).
1996 Scientific Organizer of the International Workshop ''Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty in Complex Systems'', Roma
1996 Invited speaker (plenary lecturer) at the 6th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU), Granada (Spain).
1996 Session Organizer (The role and meaning of conditional probability in Bayesian statistics) at the ASA Joint Statistical Meeting, Chicago, USA.
1997 Member of the Programme Committee of the 4th Workshop on ''Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems'', Praha.
1997 Director of the International School of Mathematics of Erice (Conditioning and Inference in Intelligent Systems).
1997 Session Organizer (Conditioning and Inference in Intelligent Systems) at Congress on Intelligent Techniques & Soft Computing, Aachen (Germany).
1998 Member of the Programme Committee of the 7th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU), Paris.
1998 Invited speaker (The role of probability in statistical physics: from Boltzmann to de Finetti) at the Intern. Conf. on ''Models and Numerical Methods in Transport Theory and in Mathematical Physics'', Roma.
1999 Invited speaker at the Workshop on ''Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models'', Toronto (Canada)
2000 Scientific Organizer of the International Workshop ''Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference'', Roma
2000 Member of the Programme Committee of the 5th Workshop on ''Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems'', Jindrichuv Hradec (Praha).
2000 Member of the Programme Committee of the 8th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU), Madrid.
2000 Invited Speaker at the Symposium on ''Processing uncertainty: Controversies and basic principles'' of the 9th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Salzburg.
2001 Member of the Programme Committee of the 2nd ''International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and their Applications'' (ISIPTA '01), Cornell University, Ithaca (New York).
2001 Member of the Programme Committee of the 6th ''European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty'' (ECSQARU-2001), Toulouse.

Research Projects Coordinator:
(financial support by: MURST [Ministry of University and Research] (formerly MPI [Ministry of Education]), CNR [National Council of Research], MAAEE [Ministry of Foreign Affairs])

1981-1982 Bayesian statistics: theoretical foundations and applications to speech signals analysis (MPI)
1983 Mathematical and statistical analysis of models in applied science (MPI)
1984 Bayesian interpretation of classical statistical methodologies (MPI)
1987-1988 Qualitative probability and its application to statistical inference (MPI)
1988-1990 Computer simulation for a merged teaching of probability and statistics in secondary schools (CNR)
1989-1990, 1992 Probabilistic models and mathematical statistics (MURST)
1989-1992 Probability and Bayesian statistics in expert systems (MURST)
1991 The not escapable role of subjective theory in the teaching of probability and statistics (CNR)
1993-1994 Statistical inference: probabilistic grounds and methodological developments (MURST)
1993-1994 Expert systems and stochastic networks (MURST)
1994-1997 Partial knowledge and coherent probability in Artificial Intelligence (MURST)
1997-1998 Intelligent Systems: Education & Research (MAAEE - Joint Project with Czech Republic)
1997-1998 Processing Information and Measuring Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems (CNR)
1998-1999 Models for the treatment of partial knowledge in decision processes (MURST)
1998-1999 Models and Methods for Decisions under Partial Knowledge (CNR)
2000-2001 Models for the treatment of partial knowledge in decision processes (MURST)

1980-1981 Instructor in Probability and Statistics at ''Selenia'' (Aeronautical Engineering Factory), Napoli
1987-1988 Consultant for probabilistic and statistical aspects of Information Retrieval at ESRIN, European Space Agency
1989-1990 Instructor in Probability and Reliability for the ''Safety Manager Training Courses'' at ENEA (Ente Nazionale Energie Alternative), Roma

- 1987-1989 Head of the Department ''Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze Applicate'', University of Roma “La Sapienza”
- Associate Editor : ''Rendiconti di matematica'', ''Pure Mathematics and Applications'', ''Induzioni'', ''Cognitive Processing''
- Reviewer for Zentralblatt
- Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
- 1999-2000 Coordinator of the ''Dottorato di Ricerca'' (Ph.D.) in ''Modelli e Metodi Matematici per la Tecnologia e la Società'', University ''La Sapienza'', Roma.
